Working Principle of Sunflower Seeds Shelling Line

Sunflower seed shelling line uses an advanced production technology, it can be used to remove all kinds of impurities, especially harmful impurities (such as stone, glass, metal and hair, etc.). At the same time, the ratio of broken shell is adjustable, so it is the best one about sunflower seed husking equipment, which has the characteristics of simple operation and good shelling effect.
Sunflower Seeds Shelling Line
Sunflower seeds shelling machine consists of frame, fan rotor, single-phase motor, screen (size 2), into the hopper, vibration sieve, belt pulley and the transmission belt.
After the normal operation of the machine, the melon seeds quantitative, uniform, continuously into the feed hopper. Melon seeds in the rotor repeated blows, Maotai, under the impact of crushing, melon seeds and broken melon shell in the rotor rotation wind pressure and blow through a certain aperture sieve (peanut first threshing with a large hole sieve, After the election, the small skin was replaced with a small hole to peel the second screen) and filtered. Melon shell, granule in the rotating fan blowing under the effect of the light weight of the shell of seeds out of the body, heavier weight of seeds through the sieve screening to achieve the purpose of cleaning.


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