How To Grind Cocoa Beans Into Chocolate?

Cocoa beans after picking - shelling - fermentation - drying - selection cleaning - drying - baking - peeled - coarse grinding - fine grinding, and ultimately become a delicious chocolate.
cocoa bean
After baking, the cocoa beans are quickly cooled, and their thin shells that become brittle in baking are to be removed. Leaving the broken beans, you can be available parts of beans, then need cocoa beans peeling machine.
And then grinding, grinding after grinding is fine. The first effect of refining is to continue to make chocolate particles smaller, so that the average fineness of the material to further decline, if the average fineness of 25μm below can produce a delicate feeling. At the same time, the grain shape of the material also changed significantly. The grain shape of the chocolate material under the strong pressure of the refiner was very irregular, the edge was neither neat, sharp edges and corners, and it was very smooth. The grain is not neat edges into the light level, so scattered in the grease there is lubrication, so that chocolate is both delicate and smooth, resulting in a unique taste.

If you want to deal with cocoa beans,we have cocoa bean butter processing line,if you are interested in this line,want to know more about this line,welcome to contact me with freely,we will send the machine detail and quotation to you.


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