Effect of Peanut Butter

Peanut butter contains a lot of nutrients,do you know?
1, Delaying human aging
Peanut zinc content is generally higher than other oil crops. Zinc can promote children's brain development, enhance the memory function of the brain, can activate the brain cells in the elderly, effectively delay the body premature aging, with anti-aging effect.
2, Promote child skeletal development
Peanut rich in calcium, can promote children's bone development
3, Prevent tumor
Peanut, peanut oil contains a highly bioactive polyphenols - resveratrol. And resveratrol-rich peanuts, peanut oil and other related peanut products will play a greater role in diet and health.
4, Blood clotting
Peanut contains oil and a variety of vitamins, and contains the time to shorten the clotting material, can fight against the dissolution of fibrin, bone marrow to promote the production of platelet function, a variety of hemorrhagic diseases, not only the role of bleeding, Disease has a certain therapeutic effect on the human hematopoietic function useful.

If you want to make peanut butter,we can provide peanut butter production line,this peanut butter production line is mainly used for making peanut butter,if you are interested in this line,please contact me with freely,or you can leave a message on our website,we will send the machine detail and quotation to you.


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